

Wow! Where to start! There is so much going on here. Friday I was offered, and accepted, a job with Sherman's Book & Stationery in Freeport. I am so, so excited. I start on Monday! There are just so many really great things about this job, like it being full time and having benefits, there's too many to list!

Saturday morning Phil and I met with a lender about a mortgage. We got pre-qualified for an amount that is higher than we wanted to spend, so things are looking great! We're working on saving for the down payment/closing costs. And we'll soon (within a few months) start some serious house hunting! Very exciting!!

Also this weekend, Phil and I decided to take a big leap and open our own shop! We're currently going to be listing at Etsy.com and see how things go from there. You can check us out at twistedweave.etsy.com. The official name: twisted weave::creation by design. We don't have anything listed yet as I'm still working on some designs and getting the photoposts just right. But I'll keep you posted as to when I update the site.

In the meantime, here's my first-ever completed design!! I'm calling it "whimsical" . There's a little bit of tweaking that needs to happen to the next one, but overall I'm very happy with the results. You know your design & sewing has hit a new level when things come out pretty great the first time around. This purse happened on the first try with no problems at all. This is very, very exciting!

The details:
A side pocket on both sides. Convenient for your cell phone, keys, and anything else you want to keep handy.

The inside is FULL of pockets! I hate digging around trying to find things, so there are 6 pockets to help keep things organized!

The dimensions: 12 in long X 8 in high X 6 in deep

Any and all feedback is welcome! I look forward to it, in fact!

Well, everyone enjoy the rest of the week, and try to stay dry...


That's right! We went to Jasper Beach this weekend! All the way to Machiasport and back. I visited when I was younger with my family and the Humphreys. I remember it being the most amazing place. And to my surprise it was just as I remembered! (a note of warning: this blog will contain a TON of pictures)

So, Jasper Beach is not exactly a beach as one would think of it. There's no sand at all. It is entirely rocks. But these rocks are all smooth, like from a tumbler.

We had a blast just picking up unique rocks and taking pictures. We were hoping for some artsy shots and think we succeeded. Your opinion may differ, and that's ok. But we hope you enjoy the glimpses of one of nature's finest...

We just couldn't resist the setting sun! I hope nature touches everyone else in such a way that they too feel inspired. Enjoy your week...


Bailey Island

Phil & I and Bailey went to Bailey Island on Wednesday. It was rediculously beautiful out and we both had the day off. We had never been to Bailey or Orr's Islands so decided to make the short trip. Our Bailey had a good time, too. OK, so, he's not our Bailey, but we've had him since Saturday while mum, Dennis, and Kelby are on vacation. Poor Alyson is home with the five puppies and mumma puppy. Anyway, I don't really have much to report. Bailey has been such a good boy all week and I've enjoyed having him. I'll leave you with a few pictures of our week and maybe a few captions to go along with them. Hope all is enjoying this weather!

Bailey found the windiest spot in the car but then decided it was more important to help Phil drive. We were headed to his island, after all.

At one point, he got banished to the backseat because he just wouldn't settle down. He wasn't very happy with me...

Bailey and I enjoying the view...

All that fresh air really tuckered Bailey out.

He was so tired he couldn't keep himself from almost falling on the floor.


Another beautiful day

Today was absolutely gorgeous! I had to be to work at 1pm so decided I'd better get in as much sun as possible. After checking the temperature, Miko and I headed out to the back deck.

It's not very big, but at least it's outside and semi-private. I've started a new project; I'm re-finishing our patio furniture. This is the third season we've used it, and it was pretty cheap to start with. The only thing really 'wrong' with it is the seats have completely given out. Also, the white paint has been exposed to so much UV that when you touch it your hands come away white and chalky feeling.

So I've decided to repaint it with some Rustoleum in 'Anodized Bronze'. The table and one chair that I've started look great already!

And the fabric I picked out to re-do the chairs looks amazing with the bronze. I'm very impressed with it! Now I just have to figure out how to attach the fabric to the chairs. Our neighbor, Andy, seems to think he's got it figured out. I guess we'll see when I get that far. Another week of work and they should be done.

I hope everyone has had the opportunity to get outside and enjoy at least a little of the warm sun we've been having. Just remember the sunscreen!


Championship Volleyball Match

Last night was Phil's championship game. He plays every Wednesday night in Saco. I usually don't go because I have to work, but last night I didn't, so I tagged along and thought it would be fun to get some really great action shots.

Little did I know how difficult that would be. You see, our digital camera doesn't DO action shots. The shutter is so unbelievably slow that it's just not possible unless you get the timing of the shot perfect.

This one, not so perfect. Have I mentioned I can't WAIT to get a new camera! Anyway, it was nice to see all of Phil's volleyball buddies again. And especially nice that there were other wives there watching as well. There was even a team mascot in the stands!

Needless to say, Em was not all that interested in the game. She was just trying to avoid being hit by the ball and being caught by the manager of the sport center. (she really wasn't supposed to be there) After a bit, though, she decided it would be nice to watch the game, and I even made a new friend out of the deal. :o)

Things were touch-and-go most of the night. The two teams ended up playing five matches to get to the ultimate champion. There were a lot of time-outs and group huddles.

And LOTS of chatter and encouragement on the court in between plays. Phil and Ed are the main blockers on the team. It's quite humorous considering how tiny Phil is comparatively. Ed is one big guy!

In the end, the hard work and encouragement paid off. Phil's team walked away winning 3 of the 5 matches to hold the seasons champion title.

Everyone was ridiculously tired but decided to go out for drinks after to celebrate the long awaited victory. We didn't get home until midnight. And after winding down from the evenings activities, it was 2am before we made it into bed. Phil was up a 6am for work and I can imagine he'll be one cranky man when he gets home. I guess I better get going on the house work so Phil can just relax tonight! I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather!


Spring is in the air!

Phil and I had a very busy afternoon at his parent's house today. We helped Fred throw in the last of the wood that had been buried for a good part of the winter.

A lot of it still needed to be dug out of the snow bank. But it was fairly easy considering it was 64 degrees in Farmington today!

While the boys were busy with the wood, I took the time to venture out around the house and fields. Let me tell you, the signs of spring were everywhere!

There were bulbs breaking ground...

...green grass showing...

... lillies starting their spring adventure...

And the river was open! Not a single sign of floating ice!

Before we left, Fred had Phil find his parsnips. What a chore that ended up being!

But it was well worth it!

Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather!