
sewing help

I finally got around to cleaning off my sewing table yesterday. with a clean slate to work with, i got busy sewing. and what sewing project wouldn't be complete without bozley's help? here he is, scoping out the scene, trying to decide what he can do to help mama...

with much frustration, he finally lighted behind my sewing machine. it was here that he found some inspiration.

"here, mama, let me lube that thread for you. everything works better when i chew on it a bit..."

after, of course, he had to inspect his work. i think he approved as he finally settled on chasing miko as his source of entertainment for the afternoon.

tonight starts the last weekend of my show. it's been a blast, but honestly, i'll be glad when it's over. a lot of time and energy has gone into it and i'm anxious to put all of that attention into planning our wedding. til next time...


some much needed scrubs

those of you familiar with men and scrubs know how ridiculously difficult it is to find ones that fit properly. i have made many attempts at making scrubs but none were quite right ... they were all made from bought patterns that were usually labeled 'unisex.' well let me tell you. there is nothing unisex about 'unisex' scrubs. really, they're all made to fit women. but finally, FINALLY, i have made a pair that are a success! and the best part? i made the pattern myself. right from that crafty brain up there.

the second best part? (or maybe the tie for best best part) i got to use my brand new serger on them!!! i have wanted a serger for so long!!! i was browsing craig's list the other day and i found one for sale for crazy cheap. it's an older model (early 1990's) but the lady only used it one Christmas season for making fleece scarves. that's it! it is in such perfect condition. what a steal! it's definitely my very favorite new toy!!

stay tuned for some more serging excitement...


playing with Picnik

(no worries, not my real dress! but I do love the idea of this collage)

a show worth seeing

the show I've been working so hard on these last two months is finally ready for it's first showing on Friday. We had a dress rehearsal last night and we'll be having one today as well. I thought I would share a few photos with you; perhaps entice you to come check it out! I hope everyone is enjoying their week so far...

are you enticed yet??


a quiet evening at home

much needed after so many long nights of play practice and in the middle of an extra-long work week...

Phil played a PS3 game with friends in New Zealand,

while I contentedly knit. (I'm working on an adorable sweater for summer!)

Miko and Boz were happy to just hang out

and sleep...

it was a nice break for all of us. But, alas, it's back to reality and the demands of this world... enjoy your weekend!