The middle of October saw Phil & I at our very first craft fair. The weeks leading up to it proved to be quite stressful but it was well worth it. We learned a lot about what to do, what not to do, and what people want in general. We even made a little money! When all was said and done, it was a great experience and I will definitely be at it again next fall.

To add to our stress level, Phil & I are in the middle of buying a house. Our offer was accepted just a few days before the above craft fair. So we have been busy ever since with the inspections and the bank and the other realtor. What a process! I'm glad that Phil has taken care of the majority of it. We actually have an appointment with our realtors tonight to talk about the next steps. Wish us luck...
In the meantime, we have a teething puppy on our hands and I am attempting to get Christmas gifts made. The goal is to make all our gifts this year, excepting the nieces and nephews (what 5 year old wants a hat and mittens?!?) so they are getting toys of some sort.
Here's Bozley enjoying his first ice cube. It's amazing how calm he was once I gave it to him ... that is until he finished it. Then he was back to chewing on my chair. And yes. That's my cutting mat he's on. He just loves to help mama when she's working!

Speaking of helping the next couple show just how helpful he was...

This morning, when I got out of the shower, I found this:

Bozley is laying on top of the clothes I just took off in order to get in the shower. Apparently, they were warmer than the floor, so he just helped himself!
Well, it's off to the realtor's for now. I will do my best to update more frequently, especially as we head into the holiday season. Have a great week everyone! We'll be seeing you soon...

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