
This week happened to be the sale that I always wait for.  Simplicity patterns for 99 cents each.  These patterns are usually $15.95 and up.  So when the sale comes around I make sure to add to my pattern collection.  

This time I had a few patterns in mind that I wanted to get.  I realized that I don't have any dress clothes that fit and I'll need some for the show's production.  I ended up finding a really cute top pattern and some beautiful plum-colored material. 

Of course, bozley couldn't handle not having all of mama's attention so I picked him up and set him on my table.  He loves to get up there and help me with whatever project I happen to be working on. 

ok ... so he thinks he's helping.  But really, I think I spend more time moving him than I do actually working.  But how can you not love that face!?  

And he was so good to stay right there, even when I walked away to check on the laundry.  He didn't offer to jump off, like he usually does.  And he posed for me for several different pictures without my prompting.  He is definitely the smartest dog I know.  It's like there's a little human soul peering out from those eyes.  All he needs is to learn how to talk!

Thank you for enduring my Bozley stories ...   I hope everyone stays warm out there.  Be sure to bundle up and watch that nose for frostbite!  'Til next time...


twisted weave is on blogger!

With a bookstore siesta coming up, I've been putting a lot of time into twisted weave. One of the biggies :: yesterday I started a blog here for just the business. You can also access it on the right-hand side of this blog under 'friends and inspirations.' There are going to be some really exciting new things happening over there throughout the next few months so be sure to check in and leave your comments. I really do appreciate them!

On a different note, some more exciting news :: I've been asked to stage manage the Freeport Community Players' upcoming show!! I'm very excited about this! I have a minor in theatre from USM and most of that work was done in the stage-management area along with dance and costuming. But for my first time out in the real-world-post-college theatre experience, stage managing a show is definitely an honor for me. Let us hope I don't forget everything I learned ... I'll keep you posted on how that's going along with show dates, if you're interested.

For now, it's off to pick up my new glasses and then head to work to cover lunches. Then I'm sure they will send me home for a nap. Phil thought it would be nice to bring home a few viruses with him from work. I've been sick since Christmas. Hopefully this latest round of craziness will be over soon! 'Til next time...