This morning I didn't have to be to work unitl 12.30! We've started our summer hours at Sherman's and are open until 9pm every day excepting Sunday. This being our first week of the late hours, Josh and I decided it would be nice if we spent the morning of our late shift making something for the crew. So today is my day to make something.
I asked Josh what he wanted for goodies and he suggested, "cookies or something worthy of snacking on." Claudette then piped up with, "oh yeah! You could make some chocolate chip cookies and save some for Rachel and I when we come back from our weekend!"
So chocolate chip cookies it is! I just hope they turn out well...
On an arsty note, I decided to try something new with the camera today. I got out the tripod and used the timer to capture me in action. For the first try, I think they came out pretty well!
Have a great weekend!